Whale Watch Ireland 2017, Sat. 26th Aug. 2:00-5:00pm

Just to give you as much notice as possible, that we can now give you the date for this year's All-Island Whale Watch day, "Whale Watch Ireland 2017", which will be on  Saturday 26th Aug. between 2:00-5:00pm. As usual all watches will be free, guided and based on headlands or known vantage poiunts in most coastal counties. No bookings necessary. Once we have confirmed the actual watch sites and leaders, we'll make these available on www.iwdg.ie and our Facebook page, as well as on all Heritage Week literature, but we hope that this year's event will have at least similar coverage as 2016. Big thanks to Inis Cologne for once again sponsoring this important event. Any enquiries for now can be sent to sightings@iwdg.ie