Marine Wonders of the Clare Coast

Join us for our FREE event on the 22nd October!

Fair Seas and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) are hosting a special event in Ennistymon next week to celebrate the rich waters off the west coast.

The marine life along our coastline is truly spectacular, from resident bottlenose dolphins, to the mysterious basking shark, and the charismatic humpback whale. Join us for a special afternoon celebrating these amazing waters and hear more about how we can protect them.

During the event we will hear about the work of the Fair Seas campaign and their ambition to see Ireland become a world leader in marine protection, and the upcoming Marine Protected Area (MPA) legislation. We will also provide an update from this season onboard Celtic Mist, including the new data collection programme in candidate MPAs identified by IWDG and Fair Seas. The event will end in a panel discussion on MPAs, where you can ask any burning questions that you have!

The event is 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 and being held on the 22nd October – Ennistymon, Fall Hotel, 3-5pm. No prior booking is required.

The FREE event includes talks from:

Becky Dudley, Science Officer with IWDG, who will give a talk about the cetaceans off the west coast and IWDG’s work this summer to monitor our seas.

Dr Stephen Comerford, Marine Policy Officer for IWDG will then highlight the Fair Seas campaign to protect, conserve, and restore Ireland’s unique marine environment. This will include an update on the latest Marine Protected Area (MPA) legislation and the issue of offshore renewables and spatial squeeze.

Dr Ruth Brennan, research fellow at Trinity College Dublin will then talk about the importance of engaging with the public during the MPA process, using her experience in Scotland to tell a tale of community involvement.

The afternoon will end with a panel discussion where attendees can ask questions.

The event is free and open to all. We hope to see you there!