Yet another common dolphin, mass stranding

We now understand that they stranded the previous evening, Sat. 4th. Two of the dolphins died overnight but the 3rd was still alive and appeared to be quite active. Despite a heavy discharge from its eyes, it seems this animal may be suitable for a refloat attempt.

At time of writing (11:00 am) a tractor is on its way to the site to help lift the remaining dolphin from the salt march to open water, some distance away. A local vet has been alerted to the situation and is available to travel to the site if needed.

If the consensus on the ground is that the animal is too weak or in poor condition, then the best option may be to euthanase the dolphin or allow it die naturally on the beach.


The dolphin was it appears successfully refloated around mid-day after a local effort which involved community members, coastguard, IWDG and vets. We’d ask members of the public to contact the IWDG in the event of it re-stranding.
