Talks, watches and courses available with the IWDG

A number of talks, watches and courses are available from the IWDG over the coming weeks. All are welcome to attend, and feel free to contact us at if you have any questions!

Friday 26th April 2019, Talk on the Whales and Dolphins of Ireland at the Star of the Sea Centre, Mullach Mór, Co Sligo from 7:30 ran by IWDG Sligo local group

Saturday 26th April, 2019. Land-based whalewatch from Mullach Mór, Co Sligo from 10:00 to 12:00 ran by IWDG Sligo local group. Bring binoculars and telescope if you have one.

Saturday 4th May, 2019. Identification and Recording Day at the Shannon Dolphin Centre, Kilrush, Co Clare in collaboration with the National Biodiversity Data Centre. See for bookings
