Posts Categorized: WhaleTrack Ireland

When we go silent on humpback whales, it’s usually not what you’re thinking. So rather than there being few sightings, we are far more likely to be busy, either on the water gathering the evidence, or in my case frustratingly staring at the screen trying to put some order on who is seeing what, where

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In managing a public biological recording scheme, we are in effect sampling. So the records that you as Citizen Scientists report to IWDG are likely a small subset of the total number of sightings of cetaceans and basking sharks from all Irish coastal waters, and this is a situation that we are happy to live

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They say a picture paints a thousand words and I’d probably not have looked into this subject had it not been for an image attached to a sighting report by IWDG Cork member and ecologist Conor Rowlands, taken from Cloghna Head, overlooking Rosscarbery Bay on June 3rd.  During this watch Conor observed about four minkes

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On Saturday 18th May the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) delivered another Whale Watch Ireland 2024. All Ireland Whale Watch day, now in its 22nd year, comprises free, guided land-based whale watches, which this year was planned for 11 sites in 11 coastal counties, throughout the four provinces.  The main objective of Whale Watch

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Sightings Summary Review 2023 During 2023, the IWDG validated 2,684 cetacean and basking shark sighting records, combining both casual and effort related sightings. This is the highest number of sightings handled by IWDG since the group was established in 1990 and represents an 8.6% increase on 2022. During this period 329 land-based effort watches were carried out

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