Humpback Whales top the RTE Facebook Reach !

The top Facebook story on RTE during 2019 with over 5 million views was the story and video captured by Tómas Keane of humpback whales off North Kerry. Three humpbacks came around their RIB, 10 nmls off Brandon and Tómas captured them on his smartphone.

This story was told to Simon and Rónán Berrow and Tony Whelan on 24th June when we bumped into Tómas and Terry Keane at sea on our RIB Muc Mhara during a survey under the WhaleTrack Ireland west of Loop Head, Co Clare. Tony loved the footage Tómas took and showed him while we were floating together 25 nmls offshore.  

After returning home, Tómas sent it to Tony to include in  a short video story of the day. See below for the story made on the day:

This story was seen  by Philip Bromwell on IWDG WhaleTrack Ireland Facebook page

and IWDG put Philip in contact with Tómas.


Amazing that another 5 million people know about the importance of Irish waters for humpback whales and IWDG Stories are bringing these messages to a very wide audience.

Thank you Tony, thank you Philip and thank you Tómas and Terry Keane. This story emerged from the WhaleTrack Ireland project which was funded by Ryanair through the company’s Carbon Offset Program which in turn is supported by voluntary donations made  by Ryanair customers during the booking process.

Tony Whelan of is funded by the IWDG to tell stories from the IWDG and its’ members.