A UK JNCC certified Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) course is to be offered on the 04-05 of March in the Atlantic Technological University Dublin Road Campus, Co. Galway.
The JNCC certified course is devised to be a course for use in UK waters only therefore the JNCC course will be taught as an independent module. This will be followed by a separate short half day on the guidelines as applied in Ireland. There will be a separate Ireland module which will be certified separately. The course will be taught in person but all materials will be available via the online teaching platform Moodle.
Modules covered will include:
- Marine mammal and turtle identification for UK waters.
- Description of different UK guidelines for different offshore operations with a brief look at noise abatement.
- A description of the UK regulatory system setup and different regulators that exist.
- A brief look at PAM (Passive Acoustic Monitoring).
- Distance Estimation. An examination of correct methods in distance estimation.
- A look at recording forms and review of submitted forms from viewing exercise.
- A look at Health and Safety requirements in the offshore environment.
- A final exam on JNCC mitigation measures
- National Parks and Wildlife Service Guidelines
The modules will be setup as separate courses on www.manadaenv.net with each student having a unique userid and password. Assignments not completed can be finished after the course but are required for certification.
The cost of the course is €250 for IWDG members and €280 for non-members.
Course days will start at 9:30 and finish at 5:30 with regular breaks. Assignments not completed can be finished afterwards but are required for certification.
For more information
Registration Click HERE
As there is no boat session on this course attendees will be expected to complete a line/lines on an effort form and sightings form prior to the course and bring completed forms on the Monday (first day of the course). The paper version of the forms can be downloaded from the NPWS website and Effort and Sightings are on pages 3 and 4 at https://www.npws.ie/sites/