Posts Categorized: IWDG Projects


  Atlantic Whale Deal: Mitigating Ship Strikes and Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in the Atlantic The IWDG are partners in an EU Interreg Atlantic Area funded project which aims to mitigate against ship strikes and enhance carbon sequestration in the Atlantic. The project aims to address these shared challenges by delivering innovative solutions that protect whales

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IWDG establish Fin Whale Photo-Identification Catalogue Remember fin whales?  Yes, these are the large whales that really kick started the IWDG’s Whale Track, or the “Large whale Project” as it was known some 20 years ago. It’s so easy to forget with so much of the emphasis in recent times on humpbacks, that fin whales

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The IWDG are delighted to be partners in a new EU Horizon 2020 funded project which aims to mitigate navigational accidents by supporting the navigators to do an even better job than they do presently. Such support does not only relate to an ‘on-the-spot’ enhancement of navigational awareness – including the presence of marine mammals

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Fair Seas

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group are delighted to be project partners in this new marine protected area campaign.  Building a movement of ocean stewardship; Fair Seas seeks to protect, conserve and restore Ireland’s unique marine environment. Our ambition is to see Ireland become a world leader in marine protection, giving our species, habitats and

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